Dai, Y., Zhang, M. “What contributes to the public perception towards nuclear energy in China: Knowledge and/or Trust? ”, Biannual Public Management Research Association Conference, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, June, 2015.
Dai, Y., Nordensvard, J. “Governance, Path Dependency and Wind Energy Development
-- Cases from Germany and China”, Our Common Future under Climate Change Conference, Paris, July, 2015.
胡赛全 戴亦欣, “众包模式风险产生与控制理论建构——基于译言翻译项目的案例研究”,第十届中国青年创新论坛,上海,2015年8月.
Dai, Y. “Local government’s selection model over electricity generation technology: A case from China”, 第十届两岸四地公共管理学术研讨会,天津,2014年5月.
Dai, Y. “A political economic analysis over the climate policy implementation -- A case from Chinese wind energy development”, Second Biennial Conference of the Global Research Forum on Sustainable Production and Consumption (GRF-SPaC), Fudan University, Shanghai, July, 2014.
Dai, Y., Xu, Z., Yang, M., Bretschneider, B., “A Preliminary Theory of Governmental-pushed Technology Adoption – A case of social media technology from China”, Public Management Research Conference (PMRC 2012), Shanghai, May, 2012.
Dai, Y., “Local Government's Selection Model over Electricity Generation Technology”, Asian Center Energy Program annual Energy Forum, Beijing, June, 2012.
Dai, Y., “What does “green selection” mean? – Perceptions of energy innovation selection at local level in China”, The 3rd International Conference on Public Policy & Management. Beijing, Oct. 2011.
Dai, Y., “What does “green selection” mean? – Perceptions of energy innovation selection at local level in China”, Annual Meeting of Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM 2011), Washington DC, Nov. 2011.
Dai, Y., “What does “green” mean? – Perceptions towards energy innovation in China”, Annual Meeting of Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM 2010), Boston, Nov. 2010.
Tang, T., Liu, Z., Dai, Y., “Impacts of National Energy Saving Policies: Evidence from Firm-Level Panel Data in Baoding, Hebei Province”, Annual Meeting of Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM 2010), Boston, Nov. 2010.
Dai, Y., “Economic Development or Green House Gas Emission? – Exploring the motivation of developing the low carbon city in Baoding”, the Fifth Cross-Strait Conference on Public Administration (CSCPA 2009), Hong Kong, Aug., 2009.
Dai, Y., Qi, Y., “Environment and Development in China: from a public policy perspective” - Course design and teaching experience to introduce Chinese environmental policy to the world”, Environmental Policy: A Multinational Conference on Policy Analysis and Teaching Methods (APPAM International Conference Collaborated with KDI School of Public Policy and Management). Seoul, June, 2009.
Dai, Y., “Economic Development and/or Green House Gas reduction – analyzing low-carbon governance at local level”, Annual Meeting of Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM 2009), Washington, DC, Nov. 2009.
Dai, Y., “Government’s role in Fostering Effective University-Industry Collaboration”, Annual Meeting of Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM 2008), Los Angeles, Nov. 2008.