1. Anderson, James, and Penglong Zhang#. 2022. “Latent exports: Almost ideal gravity and zeros.” Review of Economics and Statistics, 1-45.(学院A+)
2. Zhang, Penglong. 2020. “Home-biased gravity: The role of migrant tastes in international trade.” World Development. 129: 104863. (学院A+)
3. 张鹏龙、钟建乐、胡羽珊,2024:《防止返贫帮扶政策效果评估——基于劳动收入的视角》,《管理世界》,第3期,第127-146页。(学院A+)
4. Hu, Yushan, and Penglong Zhang*. 2024. “International exposure and the transmission of financial shocks: Evidence from China.” Journal of International Money and Finance. 149: 103181. (国际经济学权威期刊)
5. Hu, Yushan, Yahua Wang, and Penglong Zhang*. 2023. “Anti-urbanization and rural development: Evidence from return migrants in China.” Journal of Rural Studies. 103: 103102. (学院A)
6. Wang, Haijian, Shaojie Zhou, and Penglong Zhang*. 2024. “Clean heating and clean air: Evidence from the coal-to-gas program in China.” China Economic Review, 85, 102179. (学院A)
7. Wu, Maozhen, and Penglong Zhang*. 2024. “Poverty alleviation and pollution reduction: Evidence from the poverty hat removal program in China.” Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. 70: 56–76. (学院A)
8. Hu, Yushan, and Penglong Zhang*. 2021. “Semiparametric estimation of varying trade elasticities in gravity.” Economics Letters. 209: 110120.
9. Fan, Zhiyong, Yushan Hu, and Penglong Zhang*. 2022. “Measuring China’s core inflation for forecasting purposes: Taking persistence as weights.” Empirical Economics. 63: 93-111.
10. Hu, Yushan, Yahua Wang, and Penglong Zhang*. 2022. “Internet access and irrigation adoption in China.” China Agricultural Economic Review. 14(3): 605-630.
11. Xie, Yize, Penglong Zhang, Zhusong Yang, and Wenyin Cheng. 2023. “Redistributive capacity and international trade: A cross-country analysis.” Global Economic Review. 52(2): 167-186.
12. Liu, Shenglong, and Penglong Zhang*. 2022. “Foreign direct investment and air pollution in China: Evidence from the global financial crisis.” Developing Economies. 60: 30-61.
13. Hu, Yushan, and Penglong Zhang*. 2021. “Performance of China’s core inflation measures for monetary policy.” Singapore Economic Review.
14. 张鹏龙、韩天阔,2023:《“我和我的家乡”:人口流动与省际贸易》,《世界经济》,第2期,第31-55页。(学院A)
15. 张鹏龙、钟建乐、胡羽珊,2023:《农村危房改造政策实施的健康提升效应研究》,《中国农村经济》,第5期,第122-138页。(学院A)
16. 张鹏龙、胡羽珊、王亚华,2023:《农业保险对农户合作行为的影响、机制与含义——以农村灌溉集体行动为例》,《中国软科学》,第3期,第42-51页。(学院A)(人大复印报刊资料全文转载)
17. 刘生龙、张鹏龙,2022:《外商直接投资对城投债的影响——来自欧债危机的自然实验》,《经济科学》,第5期,第14-30页。(学院A)
18. 胡羽珊、张鹏龙*,2024:《贸易条件冲击与发展中国家经济波动——基于53个国家的SVAR分析》,《国际金融研究》,第2期,第50-60页。
19. 王亚华、张鹏龙、胡羽珊,2022:《乡村治理:社会保障如何影响农民集体行动》,《学术研究》,第7期,第75-83页。
20. 张鹏龙、胡鞍钢、张晓明、熊昊洋,2024:《中国走向世界贸易强国的历史进程与发展略》,《海南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》,1月网络首发。
21. 胡鞍钢、张新、张鹏龙、鄢一龙,2023:《中国式现代化全面开放格局的发展历程、面临挑战及战略构想》,《国际税收》,第9期,第3-14页。